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Latent Matter #6 

Cement, aluminum, silicon, plaster and AI generated video projection.

The installation features a sculpture made from everyday materials as cement and metal, reflecting the core elements of our surroundings. These physical materials are then processed by artificial intelligence, which deconstructs and reassembles them into its latent spaces. The resulting images are projected through an intricate video-mapping onto the original sculpture, enhancing and merging with its physical form.

This blend creates endless sculptures, or an endless sculpture, arising from a repetition of ever-changing configurations continuously forming at the intersection of virtual and actual. In that sense, this piece stands as an unrelenting explorer of a new mixed reality, continuously challenging our understanding of what we consider ‘real’ and questioning the traditional role of the artist in the creation of a work of art.

Installation on display at Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan - Viafarini residency.

Available for viewing upon scheduled studio visits.

© 2022  Nick Landucci

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